Saturday, October 27, 2012

Preparing for the school fete

I've started preparing for the school Christmas fete...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pom pom wreath

The wreath was made using leftover yarn and and a re-purposed jersey belt and a styrafoam ring.

1. I wrapped the ring with a belt thingy:
2. I sewed the end of the belt onto the rest o the material, I could have glued it on as well (but this way I can use it again for other projects):

3. I made the pompoms with a fork, here is a cool tutorial for it from the EX Expat: 
picture from
4.  I sewed the pompoms on and tied some of the yarn onto the top pf the wreath.

Pencil box with scrapbook paper

I made this pencil box for my son to match his new desk. He chose a cool vintage newspaper print scrapbook paper at the store which has funny advertisments, which he can not yet appreciate... So there is more fun to come later :)

1. I traced the 4 sides o the box and cut out slightly smaller shapes from the scrap book paper.
2. My son painted along all the corners where the paint would show. 
3. I applied pva glue to the paper with a plastic brush (to prevent air bubbles) and carefully placed in on the box.
4. I used acrylic varnish outside and inside the box (so it will be easier to remove pencil marks-- son's idea)