Monday, March 5, 2012


We usually make candied orange peels in the winter, more specifically as Xmas gifts for friends  right about the time I make my Spiced Orange jam... However, this year I found such a great recipe for orange jam after we ran out I wanted to make some more to last us until the next orange season... So I made the orange jam and decided not to throw the peel away but rather make candies for Easter! To make things a bit more interesting - and also because I have recently found a huge bar of baking chocolate in the cupboard- I also dipped the orange peels in chocolate...

Step 1: I thoroughly washed the oranges. I put the orange peels in a large pot and let them sit for 3-4 days changing the water a few times a day. (If you do not want to wait that long you can let them sit for 2 days and bring the water to boil 2-3 times before candying them)
Step 2: Cut the orange peel into strips
Step 3: make a syrup consisting of water and sugar. (For about the peels of 2kgs of oranges I used 0.5 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar) When the sugar has dissolved, add the peels.
Step 4: Let the orange peels cook, this can take over an hour. stirring occasionally so the sugar does not burn.

This is what it should look like when the water is gone, at the last stage it is best to stay near the pot and stir.

Step 5: Lay the peels on a cloth covered tray or backing sheet to dry, place then so that they will not stick together. You can stop here, the candied peels are great as snacks or for baking cookies/cakes.
 Step 6: Melt dark chocolate in a shallow pot over boiling water
Step 7: Dip peels in chocolate and place on baking sheets- it important to use a non-stick surface so it is easily removed after chocholate dries. I left peels on tray overnight

Here is the end result... they taste a lot like like Terry's Chocolate Oranges!



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