I've been a big fan of simple recycled wrapping paper since my teens as it is eco-friendly, cheap and serves as a canvas to really personalize gifts. Also, it is versatile as you can use the same paper to wrap presents for every occasion (Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's day etc.)
As a mom, decorating birthday wrapping paper has the added benefit of being a fun to do with kids! Moreover children like to feel that they were involved in making the gift.
This time we made robot wrapping paper:
I first cut off a piece from the roll that was the right size for the gift. Then we used our DJECO Robot stamp kit to decorate the paper
(http://www.kaboodle.com/reviews/djeco-robots-stamps). The box includes
three metallic ink pads and several robot parts stamps. At first, I was concerned that the metallic ink would not dry so we used another ink pad for the second round of robot heads. (In the end the metallic paint dried too.) |
Here is the end result, I really like the retro feel of the robots. The paper got a bit crumbled after my two kids handling it,...but that just makes it more precious, right? :) |
We had to wrap the gift really quick... we could added some sort of ribbon... or electrical wire... maybe next time!
NOTE: You can also use stamps made from potatoes or cut out of sponge and tempera/acrylic paint.
Also, you can buy Djeco stamp kits at the toy store in Budagyöngye. |
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