Since moving to the UK, bread has been an issue. I've never baked bread before, but I got a bread recipe that is super easy and after 5-6 weeks I finally rolled up my sleeves and tried it out.
The ingredients
500g strong white flour
3.50 ml water
1/2 teaspoon of dried yeast
2 teaspoons of salt
1 tablespoon of oil
knead ingredients ,
leave the mixed dough in the bowl and but it all in a plastic bag for 11-12 hours
so it can rise.
I made the dough in the evening, so it would be ready for baking in the morning. When I got up, I put the dough in an warm ovenproof Pyrex dish that I lined with baking paper.
I covered the dish and baked it at 250 C for 40 minutes, and an extra 10 minutes without the lid.
After removing bread from the oven, I placed the bread on a wire rack for a bit so it can cool before we ate it.
Needless to say we were not very patient...

The whole family loved it! My husband said he felt like Robinson Crusoe eating bread for the first time after many years. We even got the kolbász and paranyica out to make a real breakfast feast out of it- Hungarian style. (or at least our Hungarian style as paranyica is Slovak...)
I have to note that my oven-proof dish was not deep enough and the bread lifted the lid off, but it still turned out fine.
The only tricky thing is the TIMING. This is the reason I had been putting it off for so long. You need to plan for the dough to rise by a time you have 50 minutes at your disposal to bake it. This probably mean you need to knead it early in the morning and bake it in the evening or knead it in the evening and bake it when you wake up.